Thursday 16 August 2012

Club Penguin: UK Exclusives

Hey Guys!
Today DaffoDaily5 for the first time posted in the community blog.She was announced as a “New Author” by Billybob on Tuesday.Here is more about DaffoDaily5:
 My name is Daffodaily5, but some people just call me Daffo (it’s quicker, I guess) and I’m from Club Penguin here in the UK (hence the raincoat).
My Favorite thing to do is,Decorating my Igloo.I dont change my outfit much,but I change my Igloo a lot! So here is how my igloo looks like:
So here is what she wrote about the innocent smoothies:
Anyway, enough about me, let’s get to my exciting news from the UK! With the Adventure Party coming August 23, we wanted to make some cool, fruity costumes and igloo items for you to collect (one of my favourites is the kiwi armchair)!
Watch out for special packs of innocent smoothies and fruit tubes for kids in shops across the UK – if you manage to collect all the items you’ll get a fantastic pineapple igloo. Check out the video below for more info:
We can’t wait to hear what you guys think about the new items so please post your comments below!
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
In the video I found some secret.Want to see? Check it out-
It says AGENDA,Secret Stuff,Adventure Stuff,Stuff about Fruit,More stuff about fruit and How to play Mancala.
I guess they are gonna add something new to the Book Room.Here is an another exclusive I found:
Check out the Destop,It seems like a new game which is gonna be released in the Adventure Party.
So what do you think of this new post by DaffoDaily5? Have any opinions about the exclusives too? Tell us by commenting below! 

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